Travel, Leisure & Fun for South Valley Adults

Misconceptions and Misinterpretations about the VSO

Hello all! In my short time as the Tulare County Veterans Service Officer, I have heard many misconceptions, misinterpretations, and, quite frankly, things that are simply not true. Whether it's from social media, your friend, or your sister-in-law's boyfriend's neighbor's postman, it's easy to believe information that sounds plausible, especially when researching the truth can be a chore.

The fact is you must be diligent and do a little extra checking when it comes to your benefits or lack thereof.

One misconception is that the Veteran's Service Office is the VA. We are trained and accredited by the VA, but not THAT VA. Confusing, huh? This is where the misconception happens.

The VA is the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs which oversees the health, education, disability, funerary and financial benefits earned by Veterans of the United States Armed Forces. However, when most people refer to the VA, they are actually referring to the VHA (Veterans Health Administration), which handles the veteran's healthcare. So somewhere in the lexicon, the "H" disappeared, and the VHA became the VA in most people's minds.

We, the Veteran's Service Office (VSO), assist veterans and their families in accessing VA benefits.

Sometimes veterans compare their awards to their peers and then come to us saying, "Well, he got this, so I should get this." This next line is very important: Vet claims are like snowflakes, no two are alike! You both may have asthma, for example, but the mitigating circumstances are very different. Where you served, personal history, and possibly, your friend may not even be telling you the truth about his claim. Talk to us. Don't base your expectations on what your friend tells you.

Another thing I hear a lot from veterans is that they feel they will not qualify for benefits or often say, "I do not want to take it away from someone who deserves it." If our VSO representatives had a dime for every time they have heard this, well, they still wouldn't be millionaires, but they may be able to buy some eggs. But seriously, if you served, you earned the benefits. Period.

Not utilizing the benefits actually hurts other veterans more. The government will take care of veterans based on their needs. If no veterans are using the benefits, the benefits will be diminished. The more vets show a need, the more likely those needs will be met. To quote some sports person, the internet probably gave the wrong credit to, "You Miss 100% of the Shots you Don't Take." Basically, you don't know what benefits you do or don't qualify for until you ask. Don't disqualify yourself over an assumption.

I share this because if you have any questions about any benefits, you may or may not have, don't ask your sister-in-law's boyfriend's neighbor's postman. Call the Veterans Services Office (559) 713-2880 or come in and get the real answer.

Cecil Webster, the Veterans Services Officer for Tulare County, is a former U.S. Navy, Photographer's Mate 3. Contact him at the Veterans Services Office at 3348 W. Mineral King Ave., Visalia; by phone at (559) 713-2880 or by email at


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