Travel, Leisure & Fun for South Valley Adults

Garden Tips for October

October is really when sweater season starts. We can still have many warm, or even hot, days; these are balanced by the shorter days and cooler nights. You may be noticing new foliage growth, or flowers on plants that have been snoozing during the summer heat.


October is a busy month for planting. In the vegetable garden, plant chard, spinach, turnips, beets, snow peas, carrots, cilantro, lettuce and Asian greens from seed. Continue planting seedlings of greens, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and bulb onions.

The month begins the main planting season for most ornamental trees, shrubs, perennials, vines and ground covers. Have your irrigation system ready before you plant. Those new transplants will need regular water for at least the first two weeks.

Don't plant too deep; leave an inch or two of the center of the plant above the soil level. The planting hole should be a little wider than the nursery container. Top off with two or three inches of mulch after planting, but keep mulch away from the base of the plant.


If needed, cut spring-blooming shrubs back to a third their size. Don't trim deciduous trees yet; wait until winter for that. Deadhead roses for a fall bloom. Divide perennials and replant. You can replant iris or wait another month. Any healthy twigs, leaves and old flowers can be added to your compost pile.

Deep water your trees as they enter dormancy, unless we get several nicely spaced storms. Adjust automatic systems to reflect cooler temperatures.

You can apply preemergent herbicide this month to help prevent annual bluegrass and other winter weeds. Don't apply it where you plan to grow wildflowers or bulbs.

This is a good month to check your tree stakes in anticipation of winter winds. If the tree can stand up on its own and the root ball seems secure, remove the stakes completely, and let it bend in a breeze; this will help the trunk gain strength.

Stakes should never be right up against the trunk. Those stakes are for transporting from the nursery, not long-term. If you need to stake a tree, we have information on our website on how to do it properly.


Chemical free weed control and plant nutrition is possible. Schedule some time every week or a few times a week to pull or hoe out small weeds as they emerge. Top dress your planting beds and even your lawn with compost. Add another layer of organic mulch to keep your soil healthy.

Create healthy soil and your plants will be healthy and more resilient. Mulch, whether organic or inorganic (rock and decomposed granite) also decreases damage to the soil from rain and reduces both wind and water-caused soil erosion.

Although we may need to manage many pest insects in the cool of fall, especially in our edible gardens, identify an unknown insect before you kill it or use insecticides. You may be surprised to find you have a wonderful ally in a beneficial insect. Ornamental, non-annuals can usually tolerate some damage and give you the time to solve the challenge.

For many disease issues, cultural practices, such as increasing air circulation, weed control and encouraging beneficial insects, should be considered part of the solution.

The cooler weather of October, especially mornings and evenings, means more time to spend out of doors. Many native plants will have a "false spring" display of flowers and new growth. New transplants will thrive. Tree and shrub leaves will show some fall color. Be on the lookout for migrating birds.



Call the Master Gardeners:

Tulare County: (559) 684-3325, Tues & Thurs, 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Kings County: (559) 852-2736, Thursday Only, 9:30-11:30 a.m.

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