Travel, Leisure & Fun for South Valley Adults

Measles Now in Tulare County

Public Health officials in Tulare County have confirmed an adult case of measles was brought to the county by an international traveler. This is the first confirmed case of measles in the county since the disease was confirmed in an 18-month-old child.

Public health officials are working to identify and trace potential exposures, determine if those exposed have been vaccinated for the disease, and evaluate their potential for developing and spreading measles.

Anyone who has not been infected with measles in the past and has not been vaccinated for measles is considered at risk of contracting the disease, although most adults born in the United States before 1957 likely had measles as children and developed immunity.

About Measles

Measles spreads easily through the air when an infected person breathes, talks, coughs or sneezes. The virus can stay in the air and on surfaces for many hours, even after the infected person has left. The infected person can spread the disease up to four days before a measles rash appears and up to four days after the rash appears.

If other people breathe the contaminated air or touch the infected surface, then touch their eyes, nose or mouth, they can become infected.

Common symptoms for measles include: high fever (higher than 101° F), cough, runny nose, red and watery eyes, tiny white spots that may appear inside the mouth 2-3 days after symptoms begin, and rash 3-5 days after other signs of illness.

The "measles rash" typically starts at the face and then spreads down to the rest of the body.

Complications can include diarrhea, ear infections and pneumonia. Death can occur from severe complications, and the risk is higher among younger children and adults. There is no treatment for measles.

Anyone who believes they have been exposed to measles or are experiencing symptoms should call a healthcare provider immediately. Do not enter a healthcare facility before calling and making them aware of your exposure and symptoms.

Measles can be prevented with a measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR or MMRV). The MMR vaccine protects against three diseases: measles, mumps and rubella. The MMRV vaccine also protects against varicella (chickenpox).

They are administered in two doses and are highly effective: two doses are 97% effective against measles and one dose is 93% effective. The spread of measles can be prevented if 2-dose coverage of the vaccine remains at 95% or above in the community.

Most health insurances cover the cost of the MMR and MMRV vaccines.

In the United States, as of May 23, 142 measles cases had been reported this year, more than double the number reported in all of 2023. According to the California Department of Public Health, nine measles cases have been confirmed in California as of May 25.

Contact your healthcare provider for more information or to confirm whether you have been vaccinated against measles. More information regarding measles is available at


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