Travel, Leisure & Fun for South Valley Adults

The Idea of a 'Senior Playground' in the South Valley Attracts Interest

The May/June issue of The Good Life included an article about senior playgrounds that suggested readers consider whether it would be a good idea to have one in the South Valley.

We followed up the article by contacting various local officials to ask for their opinions – supportive or not. We received the following responses:

"I think it is a great idea. Location is the key," wrote Tulare County Supervisor Larry Micari. "I am forwarding this to our general services manager who oversees our county parks to see if there is anything they can implement."

"We can definitely look into this," responded Tulare County Supervisor Pete Vander Poel. "I am very supportive of any effort that benefits our seniors through these types of efforts."

"This looks like a great idea to create an outdoor space for seniors in our communities with some targeted activities," wrote Dennis Townsend, Chairman of the Tulare County Board of Supervisors. "I think this could be a good fit for county or city parks. Something to pursue in my opinion."

"It is definitely an interesting idea and something worth taking a closer look at," wrote Visalia Vice Mayor Brett Taylor.

"I think senior playgrounds are a great idea," responded Hanford Parks and Community Services Director Brad Albert. "We are currently involved in community engagement for the expansion of Hidden Valley Park, and I will include the senior playground as an amenity people can vote for. We have two more in-person events and an ongoing online survey."

"...this is very interesting, and we will explore developing this amenity in the City of Visalia Park System," wrote Visalia Recreation Manager Laurissa Roggenkamp. "It's an item that we will seek community input on."

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