Travel, Leisure & Fun for South Valley Adults

KT AAA Seeks New Advisory Council Members

The Kings/Tulare Area Agency on Aging (K/T AAA) is seeking applications from persons interested in filling vacancies on the K/T AAA Advisory Council.

The K/T AAA Advisory Council advises the Area Agency on Aging Governing Board on matters pertaining to the development and implementation of an Area Plan for senior programs.

Council members represent the interests of older persons in reviewing community policies, programs, and actions affecting older citizens. Additionally, Council members meet with seniors to promote and inform the public about the K/T AAA and its programs.

Prospective applicants for this recruitment shall either work or reside in Kings or Tulare County and have a desire to utilize their abilities in addressing the problems of senior citizens.

To request an application, or for more information, contact Christine Tidwell, advisory council liaison, at (559) 624-8063 or email her at


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