As of August 20, Tulare County has 12,907 reported cases of COVID-19, also known as coronavirus. The virus has killed 208 people in the county.
Kings County has had 5,347 cases, with 68 deaths.
People continue to receive mixed messages about how safe it is to resume a normal life. Some events are now on the fall calendar (see "mini" calendar on page 4), but most others have been canceled.
Visalia Senior Games
The City of Visalia Recreation Department decided earlier this summer to cancel the 2020 Visalia Senior Games.
"At this time, no events have been confirmed for the remainder of the 2020 year and no dates have been confirmed for the 2021 Visalia Senior Games," said Jeremy Rogers, community services director. "As updates to city services and operations are made, we will share them on Facebook and on the city website at"
Other cancelled events include the Fall Open House at the Visalia Senior Center, but the center will provide its drive-thru lunch service through October.
Tulare Senior Center
The center is currently closed, but its Grab & Go Program is still serving meals. For program updates, call (559) 685-2330.
Hanford Parks & Recreation
Aerobics classes will be held every Monday and Wednesday from 8:30-9:30 a.m. in the Civic Park, 400 N. Douty St. in Hanford. Walking/circuit classes will follow from 9:45-11 a.m. The cost (for seniors) is $11 monthly for each class. For more information call (559) 585-2525.
COVID-19 Health Crisis Plan
The Kings County Commission on Aging has created a "COVID-19 Health Crisis Plan" to continue providing the outreach to ensure that their isolated clients, now mandated to be home bound, are receiving the necessities for daily living. Engagement Services, intake process, depression screenings, emergency utility and rent services, and referral services continue to protect the safety and decrease the health risk to the county's elderly population.
The commission's meal lunch program now delivers directly to the clients' residences. For those not home bound, a monthly no-contact, drive-thru food bank is held at 10953 14th Ave., Armona on the first Wednesday of every month.
For more info, visit or call (559) 852-2828.
Prestige Assisted Living
Prestige Assisted Living in Visalia continues to plan events for its residents, who are unable to have visitors, by providing drive-thru entertainment.
On July 18, Visalia Cruizers and other car enthusiasts did a Drive-Thru Car Show. Residents lined the sidewalks and walkways and waved to those in their classic cars.
Candy Cane Lane Parade
Downtown Visalians have canceled the 75th Candy Cane Lane Parade, along with the rest of their 2020 events.
COVID-19 Testing Sites
A list of COVID-19 test collection sites in and near Tulare County is at
A link to testing dates, times and locations in Kings County is at
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