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CDPH to Invest $4.5 Million to Address Dementia

On February 11, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) announced awards totaling $4,500,000 to six local health jurisdictions to help address dementia. Each local health jurisdiction awardee will receive $750,000 in funding for three consecutive fiscal years starting on June 1.

"California has more aging people than any other state in the nation, including more people living with Alzheimer's, other age-related brain dementias, and the people who care for them," said Maria Shriver, former California first lady.

"The Healthy Brain Initiative will help reveal critical and factual insights on how communities throughout the state can prioritize brain health and caregiving," she continued. "As the chair of Governor Gavin Newsom's Task Force on Alzheimer's Prevention, Preparedness and a Path Forward, we are excited about this initiative and look forward to collaborating as we lead the way to become a cognitively healthy country at every stage of life."

"There are about 670,000 people in California who are living with Alzheimer's dementia, with very mild to advanced symptoms," said Dr. Sonia Angell, California Department of Public Health Director and State Public Health Officer. "Their needs and those of the families and caregivers who help support them varies across a spectrum. The time is now to work with communities and partners to find durable solutions. These awards reflect an important investment towards that goal."

The funding, made available through the California Healthy Brain Initiative State and Local Public Health Partnerships program, will support activities in four categories:

1. Monitoring data and evaluating programs to contribute to evidence-based practice.

2. Education and empowerment of the public with regard to brain health and cognitive aging.

3. Mobilizing public and private partnerships to engage local stakeholders in effective community-based interventions and best practices.

4. Ensuring a competent workforce by strengthening the knowledge, skills and abilities of health care professionals who deliver care and services to people with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias and their family caregivers.

Local health jurisdictions in the following counties were awarded grants: Los Angeles, Placer, Sacramento, San Diego, Santa Clara and Shasta.

For more information, visit and under "I am looking for" click on "Diseases and Conditions" "Alzheimer's Disease" will appear in the list that opens.


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