Travel, Leisure & Fun for South Valley Adults

'Senior Day in the Park' Set for Friday, May 12 at Mooney Grove

The 48th Annual Senior Day in the Park, a free event for seniors, their families and caregivers, will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday, May 12, at Mooney Grove Park. This year's theme is "Sock Hop."

The event is organized by CSET (Community Services Employment Training). Sponsors include Kings/Tulare Area Agency on Aging, Tulare County Health & Human Services, Kaweah Delta Health Care District, Family HealthCare Network, and Salser & Dillard.

Entertainment will include Mariachi Juvenal Nueva Generacion, local singers performing '50s music, Jerry Hope singing "The Star Bangled Banner," Post 56 Color Guard and Flag Salute, and of course, a performance by "Elvis" (Jeremy Pearce).

There will also be a classic car show, exhibitor booths, cake walk (over 300 cakes are expected to be donated), photo booths, raffle prizes, dancing and bingo.

For more information, call Albert Cendejas, CSET's assistant director for community initiatives, at (559) 741-4628. Online registration for exhibitors and volunteers is at


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