Travel, Leisure & Fun for South Valley Adults

(21) stories found containing 'calendar'

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  • Events Calendar

    Updated Mar 1, 2025

    March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 – Senior Pride Bingo Sundays This weekly event is held at the Visalia Veterans Memorial Building, 609 W. Center St., Visalia, Doors open at 11:15 a.m. For more information, call (559) 651-6714. March 5, 12, 19, 26 – Bingo The Tulare Senior Community Center, 201 N. F St., Tulare, will host bingo starting at 1 p.m. Doors open at 12:30 p.m. For more information, call (559) 685-2330. Thursday, March 6 – "Shakin' Out the Smiths: Researching a Common Surna...

  • Exeter Senior Center Reopens for Business

    Larry Kast|Updated May 2, 2024

    The Exeter Senior Center has been reopened by Community Services Employment Training (CSET), which manages the center and seven others in Tulare County. The center, which reopened its doors on April 22, held an open house featuring coffee, tea and pastries during the morning event. Located at 301 S E Street in Exeter, the Exeter Senior Center will be open from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm on weekdays and will provide seniors with programming and nutrition services. The calendar of...

  • World Elder Abuse Awareness Day to be Observed

    Updated Apr 29, 2024

    June is World Elder Abuse Awareness Month and observances will be held in both Tulare and Kings Counties. World Elder Abuse Awareness Day was launched on June 15, 2006, by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and the World Health Organization at the United Nations. Its purpose is to provide an opportunity for communities around the world to promote a better understanding of abuse and neglect of older persons by raising awareness of the cultural, social,...

  • Tips for Caregivers and Families of People with Dementia

    Updated Mar 2, 2024

    A caregiver, sometimes referred to as a caretaker, is anyone who provides care for another person. Millions of people living in the United States take care of a friend or family member with Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia. Sometimes caregivers live with the person or nearby, other times they live far away. For many families, caring for a person with dementia isn't just one person's job, but the role of many people who share tasks and responsibilities. No matter what...

  • Playing an Instrument Linked to Better Brain Health in Seniors

    Updated Mar 2, 2024

    Engaging in music throughout your life is associated with better brain health in older age, according to a new study published by experts at the University of Exeter (in the U.K.). Scientists working on PROTECT, an online study open to people aged 40 and over, reviewed data from more than a thousand adults over the age of 40 to see the effect of playing a musical instrument – or singing in a choir – on brain health. Over 25000 people have signed up for the PROTECT study, whi...

  • Thrive Pavilion Brings Seniors Together in the Metaverse

    Steve Pastis|Updated Mar 2, 2024

    Thrive Pavilion, the first-of-its-kind metaverse-based community that encourages and supports socialization and human connection among older adults, was the subject of a January 17th online podcast presented by Pro-Aging Community and hosted by its founder, Steve Gurney. The main speaker was Robert Signore, founder and president of Thrive Pavilion. "The goal of Thrive Pavilion is to allow older adults who are isolated at home or who are caring for a spouse, who like to...

  • Nutrition Tips for Older Adults

    Updated Jan 4, 2024

    As the calendar turns to a new year, many people resolve to start eating healthier. However, trying to keep up with the latest reports on nutrition as we age can be difficult – it seems like the advice is always changing. But there are a few universal truths to nutrition as we age, and it’s important to understand how our needs change in our senior years and why that is. And with that, we can make dietary choices that help with bone strength, heart health and even cognitive ability. To do so, on a basic level, each day you...

  • The Widowhood Effect: How to Survive the Loss of a Spouse

    Updated Mar 2, 2023

    With the widowhood effect, older adults who have lost a spouse face an increased risk of dying compared to those whose spouses are living. Causes of the widowhood effect may include self-neglect, lack of a support network, and lifestyle changes that follow the death of a spouse. When you're mourning the death of a spouse, social support and self-care can help you manage your grief and find healing. We've all heard stories about inseparable older couples where one passes away...

  • 'Calendar Girls' Described as 'Coming-of-Golden-Age' Film

    Updated Jan 3, 2023

    The love of dance and glitter bonds an unlikely group of 60-plus women in southwest Florida – The Calendar Girls. But under the veil of fake lashes and unicorn horns, lurks the deeper truths of what aging women face within society. Sisterhood, love and loss all come into play in this uplifting film about trying to age on your own terms and refusal to become invisible. "Calendar Girls" is a coming-of-golden-age film, following senior volunteer dancers in Southwest Florida, w...

  • March Gardening Tips from the Master Gardeners

    Peyton Ellas, UCCE Master Gardener|Updated Nov 7, 2022

    March was the first month of the year in the original Roman calendar. That feels right to me. March is a month of flowers and growth, the first full month in which almost everything in the garden is bursting with energy. Even the weather gets in on this act. March may be hot, cold, dry, snowy, rainy or windy. The vernal equinox is March 20, when the sun is above the equator and begins its travels north, closer to us. PLANTING: Spring is the second season of major planting....

  • Seniors Remember the Old Days in 'One All the Way'

    Steve Pastis, Editor, The Good Life|Updated Jan 8, 2022

    For years, Harry Baram, Ron Rauschart and Larry Presta have spent many evenings out on "hot dog crawls" in the Paterson, New Jersey area. They have hot dogs at a few restaurants where they discuss their meals and share memories about the good old days. Their stories, as told in the documentary film "One All the Way," also reflect the history of Paterson. The film's director, David Baram, Harry's son, enjoyed working with his father, although he did not expect that his father...

  • Immune System 'Clock' Predicts Illness and Mortality

    Bruce Goldman, Stanford Office of Communications|Updated Aug 31, 2021

    You're as old as your immune system. Investigators at the Stanford University School of Medicine and the Buck Institute for Research on Aging have built an inflammatory-aging clock that's more accurate than the number of candles on your birthday cake in predicting how strong your immune system is, how soon you'll become frail or whether you have unseen cardiovascular problems that could become clinical headaches a few years down the road. In the process, the scientists...

  • Online Forum to Focus on Building Age-Friendly Valley

    Updated May 1, 2021

    "Shaping Our Communities and Future" will be the theme of a virtual forum scheduled for 10 a.m. to noon on Tuesday, May 11. The goal of this free online event is for community leaders, professionals, and older adults and their families to discuss building an age-friendly Central Valley. "The virtual event will be structured into two parts," said Dr. Helen Militaides, who is coordinating the forum. "The first part will feature key speakers on the (California) Master Plan for...

  • Annual Senior Resource Expo Set for May 22

    Updated May 1, 2021

    The Annual Senior Resource Expo will be held at Tulare Community Church, 1820 N. Gem St., Tulare, from 8:30 a.m. to noon on May 22. Organized by the Senior Care Organization, this year's event will feature a financial planning presentation from Steen & Associates, and the Tulare Police Department will share tips on how to recognize and avoid scams. Popular among older adults and their caregivers, the Senior Resource Expo will again offer information about an array of services...

  • COVID-19 Still Impacts Tulare and Kings Counties

    Updated Oct 11, 2020

    As of August 20, Tulare County has 12,907 reported cases of COVID-19, also known as coronavirus. The virus has killed 208 people in the county. Kings County has had 5,347 cases, with 68 deaths. People continue to receive mixed messages about how safe it is to resume a normal life. Some events are now on the fall calendar (see "mini" Calendar on page 4), but most others have been canceled. Visalia Senior Games The City of Visalia Recreation Department decided earlier this...

  • COVID-19 Still Impacts South Valley

    Updated Jul 24, 2020

    As of June 22, Tulare County has 3,172 reported cases of COVID-19, also known as coronavirus. The virus has killed 111 people in the county. Kings County has had 1,331 cases, with 12 deaths. Despite the current increase in cases, there is apparently some confusion about how safe it is to resume a normal life. "We are now in early Stage 2, where retail, related logistics and manufacturing, office workplaces, limited personal services, outdoor museums, child care and essential businesses can open with modifications," according...

  • ImagineU Launches Grandparents Membership

    Larry Kast, Publisher|Updated Apr 18, 2020

    Looking for something new to do with your grandchild? ImagineU Children's Museum may have the answer. The nonprofit opened in 2015 at its current location northeast of downtown Visalia on Tipton Street, just north of Center. Although its focus is on exhibits and activities for children under eight years old, Executive Director Katy Young said they recently turned their attention toward a much older demographic –grandparents. "One day, I was looking out our window and t...

  • Elder Abuse Task Force Receives Grant

    Updated Apr 10, 2020

    The Tulare County District Attorney's Office has received a one-year grant from the California Office of Emergency Services to fund its Elder Abuse Task Force through the 2020 calendar year. The money will fund two full-time elder abuse advocates – one each in Visalia and Porterville – and continue the outreach and training to fight the crime of elder abuse. "The best approach to this crime is to prevent it from happening in the first place," said Tulare County District Att...

  • Beware of Medicare Fraud

    Updated Feb 27, 2017

    Every day, Medicare fraud affects people with Medicare and their families across the U.S. - regardless of background - robbing them of hard-earned money and peace of mind. Scammers know the ins and outs of the Medicare system and their attempts can be well thought-out enough that it’s not always easy to know when and where fraud is occurring. By remembering some simple but effective tips, you can protect yourself against scams, including identity theft and prescription drug fraud. Remembering to protect, detect and report fra...

  • Tulare Senior Community Center News

    Lorraine Zorn|Updated Nov 22, 2015

    Annual Open Enrollment Annual Open Enrollment (AEP) is the time of year when consumers can change their Medicare coverage, Part C and/or Part D. They can do this by joining a new Medicare Advantage plan (MA, Part C) or by joining a new stand-alone Prescription Drug Plan (PDP, Part D). Medicare beneficiaries can also return to Original Medicare with or without a Part D plan from a Medicare Advantage (MA) plan. Listed below are three things to keep in mind while deciding on individual Medicare coverage. 1. Open Enrollment...

  • Fisherman Shares Passion With Others

    Donna Luallen|Updated Aug 21, 2014

    When Mark Cave saw that fly fishing could open up more opportunities than spin and bait fishing in the pocket waters of the Sierra, he took up the sport with a fervor that would take him to specialty fly fishing shops and sportsman shows all over the West. He tested himself against the many forms of equipment and flies in that ancient quest to catch trout, and has earned his title as a Casting Instructor with the International Federation of Fly Fishers. For Cave, the journey...

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