Travel, Leisure & Fun for South Valley Adults

Articles from the November 1, 2015 edition

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  • Tulare Senior Community Center News

    Lorraine Zorn|Updated Nov 22, 2015

    Annual Open Enrollment Annual Open Enrollment (AEP) is the time of year when consumers can change their Medicare coverage, Part C and/or Part D. They can do this by joining a new Medicare Advantage plan (MA, Part C) or by joining a new stand-alone Prescription Drug Plan (PDP, Part D). Medicare beneficiaries can also return to Original Medicare with or without a Part D plan from a Medicare Advantage (MA) plan. Listed below are three things to keep in mind while deciding on individual Medicare coverage. 1. Open Enrollment...

  • Seniors with Diabetes: Medicare Benefits Can Help Save Your Sight

    Updated Nov 22, 2015

    One in four Americans age 65 or older has diabetes, putting them at increased risk for vision loss and blindness. Diabetes-related vision loss is largely preventable with regular care, but studies have found a majority of Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes do not get the necessary eye exams. The American Academy of Ophthalmology is recognizing November as Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month and reminding older Americans that if they have diabetes, Medicare will cover these...

  • Family HealthCare Network Opens its Newest Health Center in Tulare

    Updated Nov 22, 2015

    On October 1, local government leaders, community members, and the board and staff of Family HealthCare Network (FHCN) gathered to celebrate the opening of the organization's newest community health center. FHCN's Tulare Health Center marks the organization's 19th site, and 15th community health center in Tulare and Kings counties. Joined by Rudy Mendoza, field representative for Congressman Devin Nunes, Assemblyman Devon Mathis and City of Tulare Vice Mayor Carlton Jones,...

  • Most Americans Don't Feel Safe in Their Own Homes

    Updated Nov 22, 2015

    Home is where the heart is. But home may not always be where Americans feel safest. A new survey from Honeywell found that more than two-thirds of Americans – including 72% of women – do not always feel totally safe in their own homes, though technology may be the security blanket people need to feel connected, comfortable and secure. And while safety in numbers used to provide peace of mind, today, people living in households with more than one person are actually more likely to feel unsafe in their home versus people liv...

  • Medicare Specialist Advises Seniors to Avoid Medicare Advantage, HMOs

    Steve Pastis|Updated Nov 22, 2015

    "Medicare insurance is the most confusing thing for a senior to figure out," Susan Hatch told members of the Senior Care Organization at their October meeting at Café 225 in Visalia. Hatch, a Medicare insurance agent, advocate and specialist, said that ever since Original Medicare started in 1965, every hospital in the country accepts it, along with 97% of all doctors. "Medicare Advantage is different," she said. "You give up your Original Medicare card and replace it with...

  • CDC Recommends Shingles Vaccine

    Updated Nov 22, 2015

    People age 60 and older should be vaccinated against shingles, or herpes zoster, a condition often marked by debilitating chronic pain, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). CDC recommends a single dose of the zoster vaccine, Zostavax, for adults 60 years of age and older, even if they have had a prior episode of shingles. The new full recommendation replaces a provisional recommendation that the CDC made in 2006, after the vaccine was licensed by...

  • Fifty Cities Represented at Inaugural Visalia Senior Games

    Steve Pastis|Updated Nov 22, 2015

    Last month, athletes from 50 California cities competed in the first Senior Games ever held in the Central Valley. A total of 237 athletes participated, including some traveling from as far as Oregon and Texas. The inaugural Visalia Senior Games started on Wednesday, October 21, with a resource fair and opening ceremonies at Riverway Sports Park, which included a parade of athletes and a tri-tip dinner. Over the following four days, 68 competitions were held in nine sports....

  • Veteran's Corner

    Ken Cruickshank|Updated Nov 22, 2015

    My last column covered Service Connected (SC) compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA); another benefit available is Non Service Connected (NSC) Pension. NSC Pension provides financial support to wartime veterans with limited income. The amount depends upon the income the veteran and their family members receive from other sources. Currently, the maximum VA pays for NSC benefits is $1,072 per month. This amount can change depending on other factors, including...

  • New Cons and Scams Target Local Seniors

    Steve Pastis|Updated Nov 22, 2015

    "Right now, the number of cons and scams are very high," said Nicole Burnham, elder abuse victim advocate for the Tulare County District Attorney's office, adding that telephone scams and those attempted through the mail are currently the most common. Many of these phone scams attempt to collect on a bill that is allegedly unpaid, according to Burnham. "We've seen a lot of utility bill scams. They may threaten to sue you or throw you in jail unless you pay. These things...

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